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Spiritual Formation as defined by Robert Mulholland is "the process of becoming conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others."


This definition contains a number of important aspects. First, it is a process, not a quick onetime interaction. Second, it involves being conformed. God is doing His work in you. You are not conforming yourself spiritually, but instead you are allowing God to transform your life. Finally, our transformation is not for ourselves alone. God is transforming us so that He can use our lives to transform others.


Through one-on-one sessions, covenant groups and spiritual direction we will be intentional in assisting you in your Christian journey to grow in your relationship with God. This direction and guidance includes the practice of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, scripture reading and meditation, solitude, fasting, worship, confession and service.


We will walk beside you to encourage and deepen your "process of becoming conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others."


To learn more, contact: 

Sherry Mortenson at

Don Mortenson at

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